Kolff grant Dutch Kidney Foundation for Jitske Jansen

The Dutch Kidney Foundation supports talented postdocs and physician researchers. Kolff grant recipients are foreseen to make important contributions to the field of renal research and to stimulate the application of research results in practice.

The project:

PRednisOne effectS on Podocytes; rEsolving the moleculaR enigma – The PROSPER study.

Nephrotic syndrome (NS) is characterized by massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia and edema, as a result of extensive podocyte foot process effacement. The mainstay of therapy for NS patients is prednisone. NS management is as yet unpredictable, mainly because the molecular mechanisms underlying NS and prednisone treatment are poorly understood. Moreover, prednisone treatment is associated with severe adverse effects. Hence, there is an urgent need to develop more specific therapies to treat NS with less side effects. The aim of her study is to resolve molecular targets regulated by prednisone that are essential for successful podocyte recovery. These results will be instrumental for the development of more specific therapeutic entities to treat NS with less side effects.

